When you have insured a variety of household appliances, there is a possibility that you will have to recovers damages if a disaster occurs. Insurance companies will often fight very hard to pay you the minimal amount possible for your claim. On the other hand, you will be seeking to get the maximum amount from your claim. This is where Capital Adjusters can help. We help you negotiate on your behalf ensuring that you get the best possible payout for your damage claims. Talk to us today to see how we can help you with your damage claim.

About Damage Claims

Damage claims are frequently made when there has been damage to your home, vehicle or any other item that you may have insured. It is good to remember that when you go up against an insurance company to claim compensation, you are basically entering a business negotiation with the company. The insurer’s in-house adjuster often focuses on saving as much money as possible for the insurance company. This means that they will work as hard as possible to out-negotiate you. Even worse, most people who file these kinds of claims are often reeling from the loss of their assets and are in no position to go head to head with an experienced insurance adjuster.

One of the first things that you should do before filing the claim is to read the terms and conditions of your policy. This helps you to understand what exactly you are entitled to. Another great idea is to hire a public adjuster who will help you to get the maximum amount possible from your claim.


Common Types of Damage Claims

Below is a short list of products that can be subject to a damage claim:

Physical structures such as home
Furniture and related
Kitchen appliances such as ovens
General appliances such as water heaters
Audio and related items
Home theater systems
Office and related equipments

Why should You Hire Public Adjusters for Damage Claims?

Public adjusters from Capital Adjusting Services come with years of experience. This means that they are more likely to understand the legal jargon in your policy and to use their expertise to get you a great deal. You must also remember that the insurance adjusters that you will be negotiating with have done this for years and so they are very likely to out-negotiate you. Hiring public adjusters also means that you don’t have to face your insurance company at your most vulnerable state. Many people prefer to let public adjusters handle the tough negotiations while they focus on getting their lives back together again.

Get in Touch with Capital Adjusting Services Today

Working with Capital Adjusting Services assures you of getting the best compensation possible from your damage claims. We work with honesty and integrity as we fight on your behalf. Our over 100 years of combined experience means that we are likely to discover damages that you did not even know about.

If you want to learn more about our expertise in damage claims, do not hesitate to contact us today. You may also call Capital Adjusting Services at 800-845-3952 or send an email to [email protected].

Offices Throughout the East Coast We Are Licensed in These States

  • Washington, DC
  • Virginia
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Georgia
  • Puerto Rico
  • West Virginia
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Indiana
  • Ohio
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